Wednesday, October 8, 2014

When Summer Won't Die

     It's October 8th and California remains in an unusual heat wave and extreme drought.  Check out the temperature today in my fair town.  Please note that it's 6:09 PM in this screen shot.  That's right, PM!  This is what it's like when it starts to "cool down" during the evening.  (Just ignore the fact I need to charge my phone.  I like to live on the edge.)

For this 8th day of October, I wore flip-flops and made barbecue chicken for dinner.  Not exactly the height of Fall cuisine or couture. 
(Side Note:  Is anyone else obsessed with making those little criss-cross shapes on all of their BBQ?) 
What's a Fall Girl to do when summer just won't die?  She goes shopping and makes up her own awards show, of course!  Just making a pilgrimage to Bath and Body Works didn't seem like enough, so I decided to award prizes to my favorite Fall scents of the season.  Here I am doing product research.
CONFESSION TIME:  I tried to take a "selfie" to commemorate my shopping trip.  But after watching me execute a series of awkward contortion moves with my iPhone, one of my teenagers wrestled the phone out of my hand and said, "Just let me take your picture."  Apparently, the only thing more embarrassing than being at the mall with your Mom, is being at the mall with your Mom while she tries to take a selfie.
(And yes, that's a Pumpkin Smash Jamba Juice in my hand.  I don't just talk the Fall Girl talk, I . . . well, I also drink smoothies.)

Check out all of my Fall scented loot! I didn't get any candles this time around because I'm waiting for one of those 2 for $22 sales. Instead, I got lots of soap, a couple of oil diffusers, hand sanitizer and lotion.  My logic is that maybe if I just wash really well with my yummy smelling Fall soap, I won't be able to smell the summer BBQ residue on my fingers.
I love all of these Fall scents, but which of these dazzling beauties will win my completely fabricated and imaginary awards?   Without further ado . . .

"Bath & Body Works 2014 Yummy Fall Scents Awards"


First Place:  Pumpkin Cupcake

     Food flavored pumpkin products are always my favorite and this sweet and spicy combination is just about perfect.  It's all the scent of a real pumpkin cupcake with none of the calories.

Second Place:  Pumpkin Pecan Waffles

     This scent combines pumpkin spice, maple and just a hint of nuttiness.  It smells like Sunday brunch and everything that's right with the world.

  Third Place:  Pumpkin Spice Latte

     Imagine washing your hands with a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.  That's what you've got in this delicious scent.  A little coffee, a little pumpkin, a little spice . . . what more could a Fall Girl want?

     Are you a Bath and Body Works fan too?  Which Fall scents would win an award in your book?  What do you do to make it feel like Fall when summer just won't die?  These are the questions I ponder today.  Leave a comment down below or in the comment sections of Facebook or Twitter.  I'll see you tomorrow, when it's supposed to be one degree cooler!  That's one degree closer to Fall--I'll take it!


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