Saturday, October 18, 2014

Not Your Mama's Popcorn Ball

Halloween Popcorn

     When I was a kid, my Aunt Gail used to make popcorn balls.  My cousins and I would get so excited as we watched her scoop and mold the popcorn into crunchy little balls of goodness.  A few years ago, I decided to harness my inner Aunt Gail and make my kids popcorn balls for Halloween.
     I heated the candy syrup to what can only be described as "molten lava degrees", poured it over the popcorn and started making the balls.  Holy Melted Fingertips, Batman!  Aunt Gail's palms must have been made out of Teflon because I thought my hands were going to melt all over the popcorn. 
     Nothing says "Happy Halloween" like your Mom's melted finger in your popcorn ball.  And making them round was not easy either.  My kids don't know popcorn balls exist, they only know about popcorn lumps.
     I thought my days of making Halloween popcorn treats were over until I stumbled across this recipe.  It's fun, it's easy, it's super cute and it won't melt your hands off when you make it. 
*1-2 bags microwave popcorn
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1/2 cup candy corn
Halloween Sprinkles
1 teaspoon butter or shortening
*Use 1 bag of popcorn for a sweeter treat and 2 bags for a saltier treat
1.  Pop popcorn according to package directions.  Open bag and pour popcorn out over wax paper.  Let cool.
2.  Place white chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl.  Add 1 teaspoon butter or shortening.  Microwave for 1 minute on 50% power.  Remove from microwave and stir until all chips are melted and smooth.
3.  Evenly drizzle melted white chocolate over the popcorn.
4.  Evenly distribute Halloween sprinkles and Candy Corn over popcorn.  Let cool for 30 minutes.
5.  Enjoy immediately or store in an air-tight container.
     Have you ever tried making a favorite food from your childhood only to be humbled by how incredibly difficult it is to make?  I think I'll drop my Aunt Gail a line and let her know how much I appreciate her making those popcorn balls.  :-)

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